Genia C. Philip, J.D., BBA

More Endeavors

To learn more about Genia C. Philip and her endeavors, please visit the following websites!

Walk by Faith


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Genia shares from her individual experiences, offering how faith and spirituality guided her personal growth with the hope of inspiring others! Visit the blog to read about Genia’s insights on how her faith equipped and empowered her to overcome, succeed and live a fulfilled and purposeful life!

Leadership and Philanthropy


Genia Philip

Genia is deeply passionate about investing in our communities through philanthropic activities. She also strongly believes that leadership is a major key to individual and professional success. Visit this site where Genia’s shares her insights on how philanthropy and leadership can help us transform our communities! 

Recent Blogs

Top Funding Sources for Female-Led Startups

Top Funding Sources for Female-Led Startups

As of the most recent stats, women-led businesses are now up to 12.3 million in the United States. They are responsible for generating over $1.4 trillion in sales and employ 7.9 million people. Yet even in 2022, funding for women business owners can be hard to come...